
Bogdanova, E. & Soneryd, L. 2021. Configuring Objects and Subjects of Care in Built Heritage Management: Experimenting with Storytelling as a Participatory Device, Planning Practice & Research

Ureta, S., Flores, P. & Soneryd, L. 2020. Victimization Devices: Exploring Challenges Facing Litigation-Based Transnational Environmental Justice, Social and Legal Studies, 29(2):161-182


Soneryd, L. & Lindh, E. 2019. Citizen dialogue for whom? Competing rationalities in urban planning, the case of Gothenburg, Sweden, Urban Research and Practice, 12(3): 230-246


Konopásek, Z. Soneryd, L. & Svačina, K. 2018. Lost in Translation: Czech Dialogues by Swedish Design, Science and Technology Studies, 31(3): 5-23


Soneryd, L. & Wettergren, Å. 2017. ”How does climate change transnationalize environmental movements? The case of Denmark”, Global Society, 31 (1), 23-42


Metzger, J., Soneryd, L. & Linke, S. 2017. The legitimization of concern: A flexible framework for investigating the enactment of stakeholders in environmental planning and governance processes, Environment and planning A, 49 (11), 2517-2535

Uggla, Y. & Soneryd, L. 2017. Green Governmentality, Responsibilization, and Resistance: International ENGOs’ Issue Framings of Future Energy Supply and Climate Change Mitigation, Socijalna ekologija : journal for environmental thought and sociological research, 27 (3), 87-104


Metzger, J., Soneryd, L. & Tamm Hallström, K. 2016 ”’Power’ is that which remains to be explained: dispelling the ominous dark matter of critical planning studies”, Planning Theory, 16(2): 203–222


Soneryd, L. 2015 ”What’s at stake? Practices of linking actors, issues and scales in environmental politics”, Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 3(2): 18-23


Boström, M., Casula Vifell, Å., Klintman, M., Soneryd, L., Tamm Hallström, K. & Thedvall, R.  2015. “Social Sustainability Requires Social Sustainability: Procedural Prerequisites for Reaching Substantive Goals”, Nature and Culture, 10(2): 131-156


Soneryd, L. & Uggla, Y. 2015. ”Green governmentality and responsibilization: new forms of governance and responses to ‘consumer responsibility’”, Environmental Politics, 24(6): 913-931


Soneryd, L. & Wettergren, Å. 2015 ”Klimatförändring och emotionshantering: Institutionalisering av miljörörelsen i Danmark”, Slagmark Tidskrift for Idéhistorie, 71:163-176


Ifflander, H. & Soneryd, L. 2014. ”The relative power of environmental assessment as a governance tool: organization and the case of the Nord Stream gas pipeline”, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 32:2, 98-107


Wärnbäck, A., Soneryd, L. & Hilding-Rydevik, T. 2013 ”Shared practice and converging views in nuclear waste management: Long-term relations between implementer and regulator in Sweden”, Environment and Planning A, 45,9: 2212-2226


Casula Vifell, Å. & Soneryd, L. 2012. “Organizing matters: how ‘the social dimension’ gets lost in sustainability projects” Sustainable development, 20:18-27


Lidskog, R., Uggla, Y. & Soneryd, L. 2011. “Making Transboundary Risk Governable: Reducing Complexity, Constructing Spatial Identity, and Ascribing Capabilities”, Ambio 40(2): 111-120


Elam, M., Soneryd, L. & Sundqvist, G. 2010. “Demonstrating Nuclear Fuel Safety – Validating New Build: The Enduring Template of Swedish Nuclear Waste Management” Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 7(3): 197-210  


Soneryd, L. 2007. “Deliberations over the unknown, the unsensed and the unsayable? Public protests and the 3G development in Sweden”, Science, Technology and Human Values 32 (3): 287-314  


Lezaun, J. & Soneryd, L. 2007. “Consulting citizens: technologies of elicitation and the mobility of publics”, Public Understanding of Science, 16: 279-297  


Lidskog, R., Uggla, Y. & Soneryd, L. 2005. “Knowledge, power and control. Studying environmental regulation in late modernity”, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7(2): 89-106


Soneryd, L. 2004. “’ Public involvement in the planning process: EIA and lessons From the Orebro Airport extension, Sweden”, Environmental Science and Policy,7(1): 59-68


Soneryd, L. 2004 “Hearing as a way of dwelling. The active sense-making of Environmental risk and nuisance”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22 (5): 737-753


Soneryd, L. & Weldon, S. 2003. “Noise and newts: public engagement in the UK and Sweden”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 23 (1): 17-37


Lidskog, R. & Soneryd, L. 2000. “Transport infrastructure investments and environmental impact assessment in Sweden. Public involvement or public exclusion?”, Environment and Planning A, 32 (8): 1465-1479


Soneryd, L. & Uggla, Y. 2000. ”Politics as a struggle over definition – Two case studies”, Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 3 (5): 277-286